Good evening, fellow 7th graders!

Here is a list on concepts to be familiar with to prepare for Thursday's test:

- The four lessons and highlighted material from your notes.
- Your Chapter 10 Assessment sheet (this is tomorrow's homework)
- Bible stories: Walking on Water, Calming of the Storm, The Paralytic, Bartimaeus, the Blind Man, Unforgiving Servant
- The 12 Apostles and their responsibilities
- Ways to heal and forgive others like Jesus did
- Reason why Jesus performed miracles
- Definitions: Sabbath, faith, apostles, 
- Differences and similarities between apostles and disciples

And to make your life a bit easier, click this link here to take a practice quiz.

Respond to this post by Thursday at midnight. You may use a story not read in class:
 What do the healing/ miracle stories mean to you personally? Is there one you especially relate to? What elements from the stories can symbolize issues and circumstances we face today?